Our bag filters are available in various grades from G4 through to F9 they are manufactured from synthetic fibres into multi-pocket, extended surface, high capacity bag filters. The filter pockets in our bags are created by an ultrasonic welding process which gives uniform spacing within the filter ensuring optimum dirty air to media contact. The synthetic media used […]
White Rose are able to supply any and all filters which are required for air handling units. From rigid cassette filters to bag filters which conform to EN779 2012, panel filters or Hepa filtration we are able to supply from stock here in Halifax. Be it one filter or a hundred filters we can supply, for further information please do not hesitate to contact […]

Our Eco -Vee rigid compact filters are available with synthetic or glass medias and we carry as stock both 20mm or 25mm headers
We are able to supply mini pleated media in either synthetic or glass. Available in Grades G4 up to H10 and in pleat depths of 1″ 2″ and 4,” these products provide much larger filter area than ordinary pleated panel filters ,they can be supplied in slab form for the customer to utilise their own framing systems or we can […]
Added to our range of air filters are carbon pleats, available in various pleat depths and widths they can be purchased as either pleated panels with white moisture resistant cardboard frame, or in sleeves of 150 pleats, allowing the buyer to produce their own finished product.
White Rose Non Wovens is now able to supply air filter media which has been certified to the new European Standard EN779:2012. Utilising the latest meltblown technology and sub micron fibres we achieve with the media high filter efficiency levels at an optimum pressure drop. The media in grades F7 and F8 will be available […]
Are you in an area where there is a potential flood risk to your home or business? We can help. Forget traditional sandbags our modern version is ideal for flood defence. Light and easy to handle when dry, in contact with water they rapidly expand in size as they quickly absorb liquid. They then act […]
Available from stock these extended surface rigid air filters are available in F5,F6, F7 and F8 grades. Utilising synthetic filter media which is held in place by upstream and downstream supports and encased in a galvanised steel frame, these rigid filters are designed for use in commercial or industrial HVAC systems. Galvanised frames are of […]
We can supply cut synthetic air filter pads for both the domestic and industrial air conditioning markets. These are available in filter grades G2 to F5 and can be supplied to your required measurements, all we need is the pad holding frame size. We also supply inlet or exhaust pre filter pads and cut filters […]
In these times of fuel shortages and consumer panic, White Rose Non Wovens Ltd would like to assure all our customers that our stocks of air filters are plentiful and there is absolutely no need to panic buy.